Thinking of Selling Your Coach? Experience the Marathon Advantage! | Marathon Coach

Thinking of Selling Your Coach? Experience the Marathon Advantage!

  1. The world’s largest Prevost converter and dealer.
  1. The largest Prevost conversion customer base.
  1. The largest and most experienced sales staff in the industry.
  1. Professional handling of transactions.
  1. Additional listings on other websites such as, Prevost-Stuff and Prevost Community.
  1. Multiple social media platforms: Marathon website, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
  1. Extraordinary service departments staffed by skilled technicians to provide maintenance and final delivery support.
  1. Heavily trafficked website updated daily:
  1. Professional in-house photo services.
  1. Video marketing with more than a million minutes of online views per month!
  1. Linked facility/marketing program to ensure maximum exposure to potential buyers.
  1. Three locations to serve you in Oregon, Texas and Florida.
  1. Additional marketing through postcards, e-mail blasts, point of purchase displays and “The Maratime” magazine.
  1. Downloadable sales flyers.

Now is a Great Time to Sell Your Pre-Owned Coach

With interest in RVing accelerated and the resulting strong sales, we’re experiencing a low inventory situation. Because of this, we are looking for pre-owned motorcoaches to put on consignment or possibly purchase outright. This is a great opportunity for those who have coaches that have been sitting idle for whatever reason.

If you’re interested in selling your Marathon coach, please contact your Marathon sales representative, any of our three nationwide locations or Marathon National Sales Director Michael LaBrasseur at 800-234-9991 or [email protected].

Quick coach pickup and closing via wire transfer is available.


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