As travel in Michigan remains restricted, Randy and Dawn offer this informative video on how to properly wash your luxury RV. Whether you are sheltered in place or getting ready to hit the road again, there’s no time like the present to wash your luxury coach. In ep.48, narrated by Randy, get procedures from the professionals at Marathon Coach on worry-free cleansing. Enjoy helpful tips you might not have considered, like using your coach’s levelling system to dip the front end, allowing the water to rinse forward. Learn about the best tools for each step in the process, like when to use degreaser, and when NOT to use a power washer. Even when they can’t be traveling, Randy and Dawn offer insightful content befitting those who have a passion for the luxury RV lifestyle. Be sure to keep following all of their luxury coach coverage Wednesday mornings at 9 am PT/12 pm ET.
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